The Best 6 Creative Tooth Fairy ideas for Kids

free tooth fairy printables

The tooth fairy is a magical being who appears in the night, and exchanges teeth for money. The tooth fairy will often leave behind a small gift for the child when they visit their bedroom. It is a nice gesture that will make them happy, and it also provides an opportunity for parents to teach […]

Free Reading Journal For Kids

Free kids reading journal

Reading is an essential part of our children’s education, but it isn’t always simple to get them thrilled about it. This Free Reading Journal for Kids can be a great ally on this mission. why you should try a reading journal What better approach to encourage your young reader than to start a very entertaining […]


What is gratitude all about? Gratitude can be defined as: “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” it is defined as “…a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible,” by the Harvard Medical School. Does this mean practicing gratitude is as simple as saying […]